Elvin the Tiniest Elf

The Poem - The Story

Elvin Elf

Elvin The Tiniest Elf is the inspiring story of the world's tiniest elf. His enlightening and exciting  journey begins when he is discovered alone and lost in the woods by Santa's Elves.  Wondering what to do with this incredible little find, they take him to Santa's home where he learns  great lessons in loving and respecting himself just as he is.

Little Elvin's story is in Prose and Poetry! To see the Story in either form, watch the video(s) below.There's also a sing-along version of his song is also below.


Elvin's Story in Prose (YouTube)

Elvin's Story in Poem (YouTube)

Elvin The Tiniest Elf Song (YouTube)

Elvin cannot wait for you to enjoy his book, poem and sing-along!

Come and join Elvin in his fun and sweet self discovery, when Christmas Eve brings him the revelation that even the smallest elf can help in the biggest, unexpected way!



Elvin's super busy now, but you can email him at Elvin@ElvinTheTiniestElf.com and he will do his best to reply.

© 2008, Bobby and Connie Prince